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 » Comment on: Injectuwad 2.3
OneUp United States

  Fri, May 2nd, 2008 at 22:42
You can either close and ignore it, or replace all the spaces with what you want it to be called on your wii.
 » Comment on: Injectuwad 2.3
PositiveJosh United States

  Thu, May 8th, 2008 at 20:57
Nothing I've tried so far has worked. First I tried Kirby Superstar on a DKC2 WAD, followed by Mario All-Stars on the same WAD. Both times, it seemed to work just fine up 'til the point that I tried playing it on the Wii. It displays the Classic Controller message, I hit start on that, then it just gives me a black screen. I can still access the home menu and whatnot though. It just doesn't play anything. Any ideas?
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vetrofuse United Kingdom

  Fri, May 9th, 2008 at 11:18
It displays the Classic Controller message, I hit start on that, then it just gives me a black screen.

Incompatible rom for the emulator... not all roms are supported. also some WADs contain different versions of the emulators... try injecting into a different WAD...
 » Comment on: Injectuwad 2.3
F_GOD Netherlands

  Fri, May 9th, 2008 at 19:18
had the same problem trying to inject axelay into a donkey kong country 1 wad and after that i tried in a dkc2 wad. even tried with a different rom (first the usa version, afterwards the european version) every time getting the same problem. black screen and i could access the home menu...

any ideas other then trying more wads? and any idea if battletoads will work?
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GladForTears United States

  Mon, May 12th, 2008 at 04:47
Auto Injectuwad Injector v3 by NightStalKeR and creffca

v3 Released: 5/11/08 at 1:00am eastern

-Genesis mode added (non-interleaved)
-Injectuwad no longer needs WadTool/BannerTool
-Injectuwad uses new wad packer/unpacker
-New output .wad name
-New visual improvements to Auto Injectuwad Injector

Me and creffca are still working together to give you guys the best Wii Rom Injector ever!
Can inject into NES, SNES, N64,Genesis, and Turbo Gfx 16 VC titles automatically!

Download Here: http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=85521

Instructions: Have everything in the same folder. After clicking start let the program do it's thing and don't use your mouse or keyboard.

-common-key.bin in the same folder.
-VB runtime files, if you don't have them already: http://www.singlechips.com/download/vbrun60sp6.exe
-.net runtime files, if you don't have them already: http://faux.uwcs.co.uk/vcredist/vcredist_x86.exe
 » Comment on: Injectuwad 2.3
mongo223 Australia

  Wed, September 24th, 2008 at 12:32
can someone please help me, I can't find common-key.bin/key.bin or anything like that?? its really starting to annoy me, its not in the download and iv searched for it for hours help please
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