Virtual Console list is up to date. We have now deleted all the old posts and replaced them with new ones with a perfect listing order. All nukes have been reposted aswell a long with a few more. We will try to keep it up to date now after all the work renumbering the games correctly but for now, any releases you will see new on the news page, are new
We will try to fill in the missing virtual console boxart images over the coming days.
No problem, it's been driving me insane that the list was out of date so it really needed to be done. Triforce has helped a lot and the other guys are helping to fill the missing boxarts. Most of the legwork is done now though as we have a decent numbered list numbered as they should be by the date they were released. Currently there are a lot of nukes posted but if you read the thread you should be able to see the nuke icon which will give you a reason for the nuke if you hover your mouse over it.
Still need to get the propers posted and any nukes though so it is still going to be a good few days yet as the rest need to be manually posted and we have about 250 to get through, ouch.