Like 90% of the time, my Wii doesn't want to load up normally, so I've had to press the reset button while pressing the power button to load up Priiloader in order to be able to play on my Wii. It's not too big a deal, but it's still something that sorta bothers me.
The problem only seems to have started happening around the time I updated uloader (alternate) and played Mario Galaxy 2. It was never doing that before.
So my question is, what happened and can I fix it? I have Boot2 installed, for the record, and I have a god-knows-how-long ago back-up of my Wii's nand, but I'm not too savvy with that type of stuff. Help?
90% of the time, it's just a black screen, and yes, using priiloader, I can get to the system menu, which is why this isn't a BIG deal, but it's still a little annoying. I now have my Wii set up so it automatically starts priiloader up saving me from having to hold reset while I turn on the Wii.
Replace Healthwarning with Backmenu enabled (only enabled it after this problem occurred)
Region free channels enabled
Skip disc update check enabled
Remove diag disc check DISABLED
Disc auto start when right pressed DISABLED
Disc autostart DISABLED
Remove NoCopy Protection enabled
Region free channels from SD enabled
Region free Wii games enabled
Force Disc region DISABLED
Move Disc Channel DISABLED
Under settings
autoboot: Disabled
Return to preloader
Shutdown to off
Stop disc off
Show beta updates off
Light slot on error off
Ignore standby setting off
System menu IOS 60
Hmm, I thought I had priiloader on; it's in fact PRELOADER. Version 0.29. I always get the download update v0.30 option, but all it ever does is download a changelog and stay in v0.29. *shrug* I also don't have any installed files.
Update your HBC, bootmii and install either Priiloader or Preloader 0.29 with the JODI hex edit. Preloader should never black screen really, it seems like it could not find your system menu so it is trying to load the HBC. Try the updates and let's see what happens.
It's probably going to be safer to go the Preloader 0.29 with JODI hex edit solution. Just in case, however, my preloader CAN boot up the Systemmenu, just not automatically from startup like it used to(?), I need to select manually from Preloader now. Do I still proceed with this or does that change anything?
Actually after thinking about it, they changed the title ID again for the HBC. Can you load the HBC from preloader?
What I am thinking has happened is you installed preloader which looks for the HAXX title id for the HBC, you updated your HBC (to the JODI title id) and preloader can't find that so you just get a black screen. You may have even updated to the latest HBC which has yet a different title id that is not supported by the current pre/priiloaders, this can be fixed with a little hex edit.
When the system menu fails to load, preloader will try to load the HBC instead. If we can stop the black screen issue first by getting a correct pre/priiloader and HBC installation then we can understand where the problem is. If your preloader can load your HBC then this is a waste of time and the problem seems to be ios / system menu / nand related (not good).
One other question, when you updated uLoader, did you update hermes cios' aswell? It could also be to do with that.
Another idea is to try and update your system menu to 4.1 using waninkoko's updater. I'm just trying to resolve this by giving you as many ideas as possible without having to wait a whole day for a response
None of this is dangerous if you have bootmii (boot2) or preloader installed, just go ahead and try some of these out and see if anything works.
My preloader didn't load up the HBC. That's to be expected, actually, considering I installed preloader on my Wii like over a year or so ago and I JUST updated HBC like the other day.
I really don't know about any hermes cios when I updated uloader. I just had it update itself. I didn't have to install anything else.
I'll give the updater thing a shot right now.
Edit: Once I update, should I reinstall preloader? Edit: I answered my own question (I do have to reinstall). Alright, I'm going to give updating a shot.
I set autoboot to Systemmenu and nothing. It still does the black screen thing, so I set it back to disabled, but well, I guess I now have 4.1 firmware on my Wii.
Whoa, actually, I tried testing it again on autoboot to Systemmenu and it loaded up twice in a row before doing the black screen thing again (like, I turned my Wii on three times and it booted the systemmenu fine the first two times). But now, there are hacks for the Systemmenu (I try selecting Systemmenu hacks).
I just tried it six times without the SD card in and autoboot to Systemmenu, and it worked perfectly all six times. Hmm...
I just did the same thing again with the SD card inside it and it worked perfectly again, with the difference that it was taking just a little longer to load.
Looks like this problem is somehow fixed, although I'm not entirely sure how. Now I'm worried about those systemmenu hacks not being available...
Hmm, I tried out a couple of channels that were installed via Wad and they work fine, even from the SD Card menu. uloader still plays games, however, now my copy of Metroid Prime Trilogy asks me to update my Wii (from the disc channel), but it looks like I can still play the game using uloader. And I can still play all my imports, so that's good too. So all I'm missing is the Skip System Update Check hack for my legit US games if I want to just play them from the CD.
I should mention that I looked through some threads looking for a hacks.ini for use with 4.1U, but I haven't found anything that works.
This post has been edited by Wrecking_Crew, Thu, August 5th, 2010 at 20:53
I'll take a look and see if i can make a quick hex edit of preloader 0.29 that loads the new HBC soon, don't even know the id it uses yet so i'll have to check it out.
The reason it takes longer to boot with the sd card in is probably because you have bootmii installed as boot2, you can just rename the bootmii folder on your sd card to something else to get the same performance (i think, otherwise its just slow mounting your sd card).
I just switched my Wii on after recently updating the HBC myself and I got about 4 black screens in a row. I then set the autoboot delay to 1 sec and also tested bootmii off (no bootmii folder) which works flawlessly. I'm also getting problems getting to the system menu from the new HBC 1.0.7. I've got a feeling there are some bugs in these new releases, I hadn't played about the new releases much since they came out. Did you install the latest bootmii at the same time as the HBC out of interest?
This post has been edited by retrohead, Fri, August 6th, 2010 at 00:41