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 » Comment on: Could somebody do a tutorial on VC games and how to install them
emwearz Australia

  Tue, April 22nd, 2008 at 14:29
The Twilight Princess Exploit
You need to own a copy of The Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess for the Wii, and a SD card formated in FAT.

Step 1
Download the Twilight Princess Exploit, back up your TP save game if you want to use it later, place the exploit on your SD card and put it in your Wii.

Step 2
On your Wii, go to the Wii settings page, then your channels page, delete your current TP save game, download the save game off your SD card.

Step 3
Put the TP Disc into your Wii and boot the game up, you now want to have whatever .elf file you want booted named boot.elf on your SD card. Load the save game and walk backwards once ingame.

The .elf file will now be booted.


Step 1
Download the WAD Installer, extract it and rename wad-installer(.elf) to  boot(.elf), you don't actually have to add .elf on the end, thats why there in brackets. Place boot.elf on your SD card.

Step 2
Once you have a games WAD (I wont ask how or where you got it, I hope you wont either) ensure that it is named title(.wad), most of the ones you find are now all ready named this. Place title(.wad) on the SD card.

Your SD card should now look like this.

Step 3
Put the SD card in your Wii, Boot Zelda up with the Exploit save game all ready on it, load the save game, walk backwards, lets the code run and wait for the prompt to press reset to install wad, press your Wii's reset button, let it install, it will reboot itself.

When you Wii reboots the VC game will now be a channel.

NOTE: This doesn't work via the Homebrew Channel at the moment, and has to be launched via the TP Exploit.

This post has been edited by emwearz, Tue, April 22nd, 2008 at 14:35

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